Blogging has clearly not been a priority of mine this week! I was super tired at the beginning of the week and the last few days I've had a cold and have felt like doing absolutely nothing!! I'm pretty sure the weather is to blame (on top of being pregnant!) for feeling crummy! Add 2 kids that were up at 5:30am this morning to feeling crappy and you can figure out what kind of day we had...
Anyways, our week wasn't super exciting. Our fun and excitement today was the tree truck coming out for the power company and cutting down the limbs/trimming the tree hanging over our power lines. Didn't help though that they decided to show up at naptime...oh well. What were the chances that anyone would actually nap anyway?!?!
both boys and Daniel were clearly in awe of the big tree truck.
My best attempt at getting a picture of the boys with the man in the cherry picker. They had just started up the mulcher and it was extremely loud...which is why Zach is covering his ears.
Despite feeling stinky this morning, I drug the boys out to the fabric store (and my box of tissues) to find some inspiration for Emily's nursery.
Here's a picture of the fabric I found that I liked:
I know the paisley material on the left doesn't really go with the other 3 but the colors are the same and I just really loved it! I'm going to fit all of them in somehow! I'm still trying to decide exactly how I want to use them all...both of the ones on the far sides are fleece so they'd make a snuggly warm blanket if nothing else!! I'm so excited to get started making stuff for her nursery! Of course, the nursery doesn't exist yet and requires some construction on our part.... we're 5 1/2 months along in the pregnancy so I'd say we better get started!! (and by we, I mean Daniel of course!)
I had bought this rocketship cardboard playhouse thing for the boys before Christmas and had put it in the garage where they wouldn't really see it and figured we'd pull it out on a rainy day to play with in the house (i know, that was a killer run on sentence). Daniel moved stuff around to work on the iron railing he's been working on and it of course ended up in plain view and the boys saw it earlier in the week. He apparently can't tell them no and ended up bringing it in the house where I got to burst their bubbles and tell them we weren't doing it right then. Mean mommy, I know. As luck would have it, we had a rainy day and they bugged me enough so we got it out. If it doesn't get destroyed first it might end up colored nicely but for now, they were simply happy to have it put together!!

Before our cold, rainy days, we had a couple really nice days! The boys enjoyed eating lunch outside and running around. We cleaned up the backyard a little (it was gross..we have dogs) and the boys played on their swingset....they even got out a couple of our water guns! They were searching for their battery powered ones but I do have a few brain cells left and actually hid them!
Daniel thinks it's great to give both kids a piggy back ride at the same time...

And my sweet Jacob.. I'm not sure how but somehow probably a month ago we got on the topic of one of our cats that we used to have.. Peanut. Peanut was such a sweet and lovable cat and really seemed to adore Jacob. I know that sounds goofy but the cat just loved him and was constantly by him. We used to joke around saying it was Jacob's cat but compared to our other 2 (Popcorn and Jelly Bean) he was so friendly -- especially considering Jacob was a baby/toddler when we had Peanut. Peanut moved from VA to CT with us when we were pregnant with Jacob and less than a month before we moved from CT to MD, disappeared. We had some woods behind our house and it was fairly common for him to venture off and sometimes be gone for a day..but not any longer. I asked our neighbors and no one had seen him for a few days (and he was always over at our sweet neighbor, Pat's house sitting at her sliding door taunting her little dog. I called animal control to see if he had been picked up as a stray since he didn't have a collar on and they told me they didn't have any cats there. I ended up taking a picture of him down there and the officer on duty said he appeared to match the description she had received from a police officer that had taken him to the local vets office after being hit by a car. I did call the vet's office but wasn't given much information other than if it was the cat that the officer had brought in that his injuries were too severe and had to be put down. My heart sank. I remember praying that it was a different cat and that Peanut would come home but it didn't happen. I made sure my neighbor had our cell numbers just in case he showed up after we had moved. Nope. He was definitely in kitty cat heaven. Now, imagine this cat coming up in our conversation one day and Jacob asking me what happened to his cat, Peanut. At first I didn't really know what to say. He knows that pets die and go to heaven but I knew his next question would be how did he die. We had been talking about what caused Aunt Julie to pass away fairly recently so he asked me if Peanut had cancer. I could've told him yes and left it at that but for some reason I felt that I needed to be honest with him and I told him that Peanut had gone out into the road one day and a car had hit him. Then he asked me if I got to see him, which I told him no. Then, in true 5 year old boy fashion, he said "I bet there was blood oozing everywhere." While wanting to puke after hearing him say that I told him that was not very nice and that we don't like to talk about things that are in pain or dying that way. He very quickly said "I miss my cat, Peanut. I really miss him." Ever since this conversation, every single day, he tells me how much he misses Peanut. Now we've expanded to our other cats that we've had that have passed away. He misses the cats he never even met! He does get to remind me that Great Aunt Julie and Great Grandpa Gibson are giving them lots of love everyday though. Of course, we were on the letter P week at school. Jacob told me he wanted to take a picture of Popcorn the cat in so while I was searching the computer for pictures of the cats and coming up empty handed, Daniel reminded me of some printouts we had. Of course, there were pictures of Peanut too. I'm sure his teachers were just thrilled when he shared his picture of Peanut with the class during show and tell...and you can bet he told everyone "This is my cat Peanut. He was my cat and the best cat ever and he just loved me soooo much. He got hit by a car and is in kitty heaven now." I know he said it...because he told me so. I actually think he rehearsed what he was going to tell his friends. I'll have to scan in the picture he took in of Peanut. However, he insisted I take his picture with Jelly Bean because Jelly Bean has taken over Peanut's role as the "kids' cat." It doesn't seem to matter what the boys do to him..he keeps coming back for more!

(I'm pretty sure Jelly Bean figures any attention is good attention!)