Saturday, September 24, 2011

I heart Brad Paisley.

What a fun night! I must say, I love Brad Paisley.. he's a favorite of mine..and after tonight, I think I love him more. (Don't worry hubby...he's taken. and so am I. Just in case Brad's looking at my blog and is getting crazy ideas. ha ha ha ha. yep, I know, I'm weird.) But seriously, Blake Shelton and Jarrod Neimann (who I thought I had never heard of but it turns out I knew and liked most of his songs!) were also very good! Blake told a story about his family members listening to songs and he sang parts of all the songs....Play that Funky Music, Angel is the Centerfold, and My Prerogative. I wish I would've taken a video but I don't think I could've held the camera up that long!

Our tickets said the concert started at 4..Daniel was looking up information on rain cancellations for the show (because it was at an outdoor arena...and it was raining) and read something about Brad Paisley not taking the stage til 9. We figured that couldn't be right... it was. Granted, we got lost on the way (even with the GPS) and didn't get there until 5.........they wouldn't let people in until about 5:30 because of something about the rain...even though our seats were under a pavillion where the stage was (yep, Daniel splurged and bought us actual seats so we didn't have to stand on the lawn). 3 other little groups took the stage at 6 and were done by 6:45... then nearly 30 minutes later the actual concert that we thought we were going to see at 4 started. (yes, we planned to miss the opening act.)

There were some empty seats next to us so somehow, the event staff was picking random people to be moved up under the pavillion- Lucky us. I'm sort of thinking they were picking the drunkest, most obnoxious people possible. Megan had the aisle seat..I was next to her...there was an extremely drunk girl next to me, her kid, another kid, and her super wasted boyfriend/husband/guy she was with. We could've gotten past the super drunkness of them if they wouldn't have insisted on leaving the aisle every 10 minutes! Talk about irritating! The only thing that made it slightly better was that when the girl left for something, Brad left the stage and started walking through the crowd (okay, it happened two separate times..both times the drunk girl was gone)...he was not really anywhere near us (other than being on our side of the arena) but when she got back her boyfriend told her he was "right there!!" and pointed to the aisle right next to Megan. 

We were both sort of puzzled when Brad (yeah, we're on a first name basis) started to sing "Remind Me," his duet with Carrie Underwood...because she totally appeared on stage. TOTALLY. Everybody was screaming out of excitement. I decided I was going to tell people she was really there...then we figured we'd google it. She was totally a hologram. Either way, it was pretty flippin' awesome. Technology amazes me. (Nope, it doesn't take much to make me happy... just a hologram of Carrie Underwood singing Remind Me with Brad concert. That's it!)

Obviously, I had a wonderful time..I took a few pictures but only had my little camera which takes awful night time pictures but I gave it my best shot! A few videos too which also sort of suck..but because it couldn't focus on anything. If you hear loud screaming during the videos it's not's the drunk chic next to me.

Megan and I before the concert. (should I mention it took us 4 attempts to get this shot?? nah)

Blake Shelton!

Blake Shelton singing part of his song, Honeybee (which is one of my favorites!).

Brad Paisley!!! (and yes, there's someone dressed up as him with a HUGE Brad Paisley mask on)

Brad singing a song with Blake.

Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood singing "Remind Me." (yes, I know, it's super blurry. the smallish shiny blob to the right is Carrie Underwood...or her hologram. I'm still telling myself it was her.)

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