We headed down to Powhatan late Friday morning. We must’ve left at a great time though because we didn’t hit any traffic and made it in about 3 ½ hours. Daniel was driving too..that helped I’m sure.
Look closely and you can see the drool dripping from his lip. Yep, he’s just like his momma when he sleeps!
The boys were so happy to get out of the car when we got there! The downside was that Granny and Pa were both at work still even though Pa’s truck was at the house. It was so nice out so we played outside for a little while before going in. (When we left MD it was cooler and rainy…when we got to Powhatan it was sunny and 70!)
They just love this tricycle that my parents’ neighbors, Mr. & Mrs. Grubbs passed on to them. It was well loved by their 3 grandchildren before moving next door!
My silly mommy. She was getting the rest of the boxes down from the shelf in a closet....what were the boxes for you ask...well, her Christmas tree was STILL up and they were more boxes to pack stuff away in. Luckily my brother-in-law and sister came over to help her.
Saturday was the main reason we were in VA. Daniel’s nephew, Richard, was being awarded his Eagle Scout pin. We are both really proud of him and were happy to be there for his Court of Honor.
Richard getting his Eagle Scout pin from his dad (also his scout leader).
Before the ceremony…Hayden being cute!! (Mary you look cute too!)
Lollipop time!
After the ceremony, during the reception; Daniel’s dad, Richard, and Daniel.
Notice the blue around Hayden’s mouth??
Yep, eating cake!!
When Daniel and I got back from the ceremony Zach was outside helping my dad “work” in the garage. He got this huge grin when he saw us pull in the driveway. Daniel hoisted him through the window of the van and let him steer up the driveway.
That evening we had plans to go to a wonderful family friend’s house. Mrs. Davis and my mom had been trying to get together for a little while and when it so happened to be the weekend that we were going to be in town they decided they should get the whole gang together again. The Davis’ lived down the street from us when we lived in Richmond. They have been friends of ours for forever but we rarely get to see each other anymore since we all have different schedules. The Davis girls, Amanda and Nicole, are great friends that I know we can always count on for anything! Mr. & Mrs. Davis were like another set of parents to me. I am so blessed to have them all in my life! Anyways, we shot off some fireworks at their house after dinner…enjoy!
Nicole’s husband, Daniel, with a sparkler. Yeah, my flash was being weird.
Marc gave Zach a sparkler. He was simply amazed by it......
They had this crazy idea that lighting these spinny things on top of these other things was a great idea…I’m not sure but they enjoyed it!
Watching the “show!”
Marc with another spinny thing!
The boys watching a worm or a snake fireworks thing. I really had no clue. All I know is it looked like poo when it was done.
Nicole’s hubby joining in on the fun!
Jake finally agreed to hold a sparkler….
Yes, he was as terrified as he looks.
Then on Sunday…..
Walking on a cut down tree at Dee-Daw’s house.
Sunday evening we got home! Woo-hoo! The boys were sad to leave Granny & Pa’s but were glad to see our cats (but I’m thinking the cats wished we would’ve stayed gone longer!).
Ringo was glad to be home. Maybe.
Then, today turned out to be a gorgeous day!! Maybe not as warm as it was in Powhatan but it was still nice! (low 60’s here….but for January we’ll take it!)
I was taking the boys to the store to get Valentine’s cards and we decided to stop at the park and ride bikes (and play) a little on the way.
See that sweet older lady walking in front of them? Well, for some reason they didn’t want to pass her…and ultimately, Zach ran into her on his bike. She was fine and said she “didn’t feel a thing” but I felt absolutely awful and kept apologizing. I think she felt worse that I fussed at him which made him sad before making him apologize to her. (and after the incident, she stepped waaaaay aside and told the boys she insisted they go in front of her!)
We finished 1 mile around the track. I would’ve liked to go around a couple more times but I figure 1 mile is pretty good for a 3 and 5 year old!
Jake had parked his bike at the van and raced back to encourage Zach to speed up so they could play!
The rest of the pictures are of them playing. They had a great time and told me I was the best mom ever for letting them play at the park.

this was right after he climbed completely over the little rock wall by himself...and somehow didn't fall in the mud.
(of course, I insisted on one picture of them sliding together!)