Since I posted 5 days ago I've been
tired exhausted. Emily came down with a cold at the end of the week and seemed to feel absolutely miserable starting Friday morning. She sounded terribly hoarse Saturday from all of her crying on Friday. Today she seemed to be feeling better but still sounds pitiful. After her afternoon nap today she seemed happier than she's been the last few days. (And instead of needing to be held by me constantly, she was happy to sit on the floor and play and jump in her jumperoo...and I was able to leave the room without her getting upset!) Tomorrow should be even better! So, since my last post, we had valentine's day (which by the way was super romantic in our house--chili dogs and mac n cheese for dinner with 3 kids), Jacob earned another stripe at karate and also participated in their "parents night out" night, Zach and Daniel had a fun dinner at Friendly's, and we went to another birthday party (so yep, there was more cake!).

Emily's decided shopping is fun. She loves Target as much as her momma. (and can't wait til she can eat their popcorn like her Zachy)
The kids all got Valentine's from Granny & Pa.
For whatever reason blogger won't open up my pictures of the boys with their valentine's. I'll try again another time. (Or else they'll show up a bunch of times on here since I've told it to add them quite a few times!!)
Sweet little lady was already super grumpy but she just loves our cats (though I can't say the feelings mutual--Tubble runs from her like he does the boys...Jelly Bean puts up with the fur tugging for a little bit and then leaves). As soon as I plopped her on the bed next to Popcorn (Tubble) she got a big goofy grin!
I got the kids valentine's day stuff out the night before. The boys asked me where Emily's candy was and after I told them she didn't need any candy so I didn't get her any they said they'd share theirs! How sweet! ha! The tall gifts at the end of the table are for their teachers and teacher's assistants. And yep, Daniel even got a little box of chocolates too. While I was getting everyone's stuff ready he said "I didn't buy you anything" so I told him I'd take his stuff back. :-) The boys sort of made Daniel's candy "community candy" and helped themselves!
Emily got a rose from her daddy for Valentine's Day. I got flowers too.
While Jacob went to Parent's Night Out at the place he does karate, Daniel and Zach went to Friendly's for dinner while I stayed home with Emily (we would've gone if she would've been feeling well but she was just so unhappy I thought she'd be more comfy at home).
They made his straw into a Z for Zach!
Ice Cream time!
Today was our neighbor, Emma's, 3rd birthday. Emily seemed to be feeling better so we went but she stuck right by me just about the entire time.
Abby and Emma in Emma's new dresses putting on her new makeup at her new vanity. I can't wait for fun girl stuff like this!
They're so sweet.
A quick smile!
Her cake! All buttercream (except the princesses!!).
Birthday girl with her cake.
She's such a little sweetheart.
Just before I took Emily home. She was tired.
and snuggly.