Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Short & Sweet!

We've been busy, busy, busy and I've been super tired lately! There's just not enough time in the day for everything that needs to get done!
Here's a few pictures from tonight! (I still need to take my camera to Jake's karate class and snap a few photos!)
Pretty sure she's wondering why Zach's playing in her bath!

and she's always all smiles for Jacob.

Taking a bath in the sink was the highlight of our sweet little overtired Emily's night!

The boys were very quick at getting their toys (and Emily's) picked up quickly so they could play one quick round of MarioKart!

Jacob was the lucky one that got to try to play with Jelly Bean on his lap!


  1. Love you all! Sam and I need to come visit sometime soon! I miss my best friend in the whole wide world (as Miss Sammy would say!) :)! Love you!
