What an exhausting day it's been!
Today was "Safetyville" graduation day--Safetyville is a 2 week long program that teaches kids about safety in different situations. Zach wasn't old enough to participate this year but Jacob has LOVED it! They learned a bunch of little songs and rhymes to remind themselves the things they learned (and after hearing them over and over....I feel like I've been there too!). Graduation was a cute little program the kids all put on and at the end they all got certificates and got to shake the Chief of Police's hand (and more importantly--he gave them each a bag of goodies).
And of course I made him pose with his diploma!
Zach was cleaning the floor with his shirt during the program..
I thought we'd beat the heat by going somewhere fun for lunch! (and I guess I felt like I needed to redeem myself for thinking it was a good idea to walk to Safetyville. Let me just say we've walked to Safetyville every other day...although it hasn't been quite so hot!)
My decision for someplace "fun"...Chuck E Cheese! It had been a LONG time since I had been there...Neither Jacob nor Zach had ever been and have been seeing commercials (on PBS of all places) for it and have been begging to go. I keep saying "we'll go soon" but soon never came...until today.
They were both so excited and had such a great time playing all the games and climbing in the giant hamster tunnel.
Zach was quite eager to climb into the monster truck that was there...and then scared to death once he was in it and begged to get out!
They say their pizza is new and improved...I don't recall it tasting much different than it did years ago when I last went (awful). We had a coupon that got us drinks, pizza, and some tokens so we only ended up spending about $23 for the 2 hours we were in there....and in exchange, we walked out with a slinky and a silly straw.
The day only got better when we sat in traffic for 2+ hours to drive what should've only taken about 40 minutes to get home. I might've been able to better deal with the traffic if Jake hadn't taken Zach's silly straw and bent it, causing Zach to scream. I decided the only fair thing was to take Jake's slinky and give it to Zach which caused Jake to scream. Yep, 2 screaming children in a traffic jam. I just turned the radio up and kept sitting. Know what happens when a 2 year old screams long enough? He all of a sudden has to pee...just when we started moving too.
I've never been so excited to hear the dogs barking as we pulled in the driveway!
Good thing they're so cute!
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