Saturday, July 23, 2011


The movie's been out for a month and we finally had the opportunity to go..........

Thanks to Daniel getting a gazillion emails from Groupon and posting something on facebook we only had to buy 2 tickets (we got 2 for free). It was still $20 for the 2 tickets we had to buy...I know, I shouldn't complain since we only had to buy 2 but I'm cheap. Add $8 for a bucket of popcorn and $5.75 for a large drink. I could've bought 5 2-liters for the price of that one drink!!

It's been 4 1/2 years since Daniel and I had been to a movie (I know, we're pathetic)..and of course that happened to be a cartoon too (The Simpsons movie). I guess if we only average 1 movie every 5 years the $34 we spent wasn't that bad but I have a feeling the boys will want to see something else a little sooner!

The theatre was pretty busy (and we were at a 12:30 showing) so Daniel and Zach sat together and Jacob and I sat together, 2 rows back (lucky for us, our neighbors were in the row in between..though we're still pretty obnoxious to everyone else in the theatre). I thought I got the better deal because I knew Zach would need to pee at least once...Zach stole the bucket of popcorn so Jacob and I had two little cups for our popcorn. I had all the drinks though so they could eat as much salty popcorn as they wanted..and then be thirsty. (well, I gave Daniel a juice box for Zach so he was taken care of if he needed it..but that would mean more bathroom breaks.) Daniel brought the bucket of popcorn to Jacob and I at some point (though we didn't give up our drinks) and between the 4 of us, we ate the ENTIRE thing! And, lucky for Daniel, Zach only needed to pee once.

The boys LOVED the movie. Jake requested us get a TV the size of the screen in the theatre for our living room.

yeah, right.

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