Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Zach's first whiffle T-Ball game!

We started out our day with rain just pouring. Off and on all morning long it just poured down rain. I was almost certain that the town would cancel parks and rec activities tonight. Nope. The coach for the team we were playing called Daniel this afternoon and they agreed that we'd get to the field and see how it was. If it was super wet they'd cancel the game but otherwise we'd play. Well, it was a bit sloshy but the kids all played. There's a little (unlevel) paved basketball court next to the field they play whiffle ball on that had a huge puddle. Jacob was soaked from playing in the puddle for 45 minutes while Zach played ball.

Clearly, I always have my camera for our events. ALWAYS. I packed the camera in my bag before the game and pulled it out when we got there and got all ready to snap some pictures. Once Zach was getting up to bat, I picked up my camera to take a few pictures but the camera wouldn't take the picture! I kept trying over and over and over and all it would do was beep at me! Finally, I looked at the screen on the camera and got the dummy message "No SD card inserted." I forgot to take my SD card out of my laptop after I finished uploading pictures yesterday! I put the camera back away and about 15 minutes later thought to dig around in my camera bag and voila! I found a backup SD card so I was actually able to take a few pictures! Phew!! I was gonna feel like an awful momma if I couldn't document Zach's first official whiffle t-ball game!

on deck!

yep, he stops and smiles for me too!

this was after he batted. I would've taken a picture of him hitting the ball except that Daniel was right in front of him and totally blocking my picture (so he could put the balls on the T). I know, I normally would get up to get the perfect shot but I'm super pregnant and we all know I'd be likely to fall over in the mud while trying to balance my big butt to get the picture! Maybe for his next game the ground will be drier and I'll get a good batting picture!

being goofy in the "field." Really, the whole thing is a field. Their "field" is part of a huge field at a park by us. The whiffle ball field is normally painted onto the grass...and is MUCH smaller than even a regular T-Ball field.

isn't this how you wear your hat when you play T-Ball and need to see?
And in case you're wondering, gloves are not required for whiffle t-ball. I always bring Zach's glove in case he asks for it but I don't get it out until then. The goal of whiffle ball is to get the kids on the field and getting the ball however they can, they're not attempting to catch anything and since it's a whiffle ball there's really no need for a glove! The team we "played" tonight all had gloves on! Not a single kid on our team had one on!

Zach takes after Jacob and wants his hat as tight as possible... if he only realized if it were on looser it'd be easier to take off! (though his expression cracks me up!)

clapping and cheering on the team with "Coach Dad."

All the kids seemed to have fun and Zach said it was a great game! (despite the mud after playing on the super wet field for 45 minutes! I think most of the kids thought the mud was fun!)

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