Monday, August 27, 2012

It's the FIRST day of school!!!!!

Today was another milestone event ... Jacob's first day of Kindergarten AND Zach's first day of Pre-K! Quite possibly too much for this momma to handle!
Jacob wanted to make sure I took a picture showing his new backpack.

Mr. Cool

Zach with his goofy grin.

I asked Zach to smile with his eyes open and this is what he did. I call this his platypus look (don't ask me why, I have no clue. I seriously think of a platypus when I see his smile like this.).

Morning silliness.

We're ready, mom!

Megan and I refer to this group as our "gaggle" of kids.  We're lucky enough to live so close to school that we can walk there--it's about 3 blocks away!

Isn't it great that my kids automatically smile when I pull the camera out?!?!
They're well trained. 

at school!

They were ready to go..but had to wait to go in for another minute or two!

Can't we be done with pictures now? (anyone who knows me knows that I'm never done with pictures!)

Zach, Jacob, and Connor

Just like I blogged about before, I've been dreading today for a LONG time. It wasn't any easier/better than I had imagined. I cried my eyes out before Jacob walked into school. I mean super snotty balling. It was ugly. When he saw how upset I was he came back and gave me a high five. I think at that point he was afraid to hug me anymore because he had a hard time getting away from me the first time!

I guess I looked like I needed a hug.

Smiles all around. I had already been crying, luckily the picture looks happy!

Zach was hugging me, Jacob was kissing me, I'm so loved.

Jacob just makes me smile.

While I was doing my student teaching in the Spring of 2006 I never realized how much trust parents give to their children's teachers (and other school staff) but as Jacob walked up the steps to go into school (without me) it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was handing my sweet little boy over to them for 7 hours. 7 hours where I couldn't see what he was doing, check on him, nag him to pick up his toys, read to him, snuggle with him, color with him, write with him, or anything else. Yes, he's been in Preschool for the last 2 years but it was just 3 hours/day and seemed totally different to me (though I did cry my eyes out his first day of Preschool too). I don't even know the people I'm handing him over to but I simply have to trust that they will take care of him and keep him safe. I know it seems silly but it was a big deal to me!
Away he went!

He didn't even look back!

Zach's drop off area is on the other side of the building!

We made our way around, Daniel was holding his hand, as soon as we got over there a teacher asked whose class he was in and took his hand and led him away.
Bye, Zachy!
waiting with some other kids in his class.
The little girl in the front of the picture was clinging to her mommy. I didn't stay around to watch the meltdown that I'm sure happened at the door when she had to hand her over. I can only imagine it was like Jacob's first day of Preschool when they had to pull him away from me and I had to walk away, both of us sobbing, him screaming for me. Being a parent is tough (and it's just the beginning!).

going into the building!
I didn't get one last big snuggle from him, I didn't get to remind him to go pee, I didn't get to tell him I loved him, I didn't get to tell him to have the BEST day ever, I didn't get to give him one last big snuggle, nothing! I know it was probably best because I was already a mess and might've made him sad and whatnot but I got even more upset because he's my little man and he's in big boy school and I didn't get to say "Bye, Tater!" and get the big goofy grin from him that always makes me smile. I sobbed my way back to our house while attempting to upload a picture to facebook. Luckily Daniel was there to push the stroller. Similar to how you shouldn't text and drive, I shouldn't attempt to do anything on my phone while pushing the stroller, for Emily's sake. Daniel just laughed at me while I suggested he push the stroller!

Both boys had GREAT first days! Jacob's favorite part was P.E. class and Zach's was playing on the playground. Everybody at their school gets breakfast and when we picked Zach up (he's done at 11:50) I asked him what he had eaten at school. His response "a round circle thing with icing." I had no clue what he was talking about and the only guesses I had were cookies or cupcakes which he told me were definitely not it! Jacob cleared it up for me when we picked him up later (at 3:40!!).
He was the first from his class at the door for pickup!

We were equally excited to see each other!

oh my goodness, he's such a momma's boy.

and so thankful his daddy brought his bike to school!

then we were back to get Jacob!

Big high five for dad for bringing his bike!!

He asked me if I cried a lot this morning!
We had such a pleasant afternoon and everyone was well behaved at dinner. We had time to play a game before bathtime and Daniel suggested we play "Don't Rock The Boat!" Boy did we have a good time...until the boys didn't want to take turns anymore and then they both just melted! (Then it got worse because I put the game away!) 

I decided we needed to eat cupcakes AND ice cream to celebrate it being the first day of school!
He wouldn't look at me!

Zach pulled all the sprinkles off his cupcake, they ended up on his ice cream...then he ate the icing off his cupcake with a spoon.

So, as I'm writing this tonight I got an email from Jacob's teacher with a picture from today...
isn't that just the best?

Pictures from before school....
Jacob was asking Emily if she was going to miss him today.

She is so loved by them.

and happy. so happy.
And this is after we dropped off both boys... she got to be an only child for a few hours.
what did she do from 9-11:20 as an only child?
she slept. she slept in the peace and quiet of our home without any loud noises caused by her brothers. She said it's the best nap she's had ...ever. Happy 2 months princess!

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