What a day! I must say, I am so glad that my kiddos are all in their beds (even if one of them will be waking up to eat soon). Pretty sure my day just started out poorly since I knew Daniel wasn't going to be home until after bedtime. That wouldn't have been so bad except that the little princess didn't get any good sleep in; everytime she'd fall asleep either the dogs or the boys would do something that would wake her up...even during quiet time which made for one grumpy mama. It was just a go back to bed and hide under the covers kind of day but we made it through....barely!! Both boys had soccer tonight (which I really wanted to skip so I could get the boys to bed early!) and it was once again quite warm. Zach's team played first. Zach watched dragonflies fly around. He did go after the ball one time and actually get to kick it. That was a proud moment for both of us.. and much better than the moment about 30 seconds later when he decided he just wanted to lay in the grass in the middle of the field. I couldn't even yell for him to get up I was laughing so hard! He had a good time and thats whats important!

Yes, Zach is still running. Clearly not paying attention since the ball is closer to where the 2 other kids are.
Jake's team played next and they did great. Jacob scored another goal! He almost scored a second one for the evening but one of his teammates stole the ball at the end and kicked it next to the goal.
As luck would have it (after the day we'd had), we came home and had NO power. I grabbed the flashlight and the fussy baby and went down into the basement hoping that the main breaker had tripped or something but nope--our side of the street all appeared to be out. It did come back on, right before Daniel got home.
Tomorrow will be a better day.
Just like they say in one of the boys' favorite books,
Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good very bad day: Some days are like that. Even in Australia.
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